
My Fema (grandmother) who taught me to take pleasure in the little things, the important things in life and who my most cherished childhood memories are with. She will forever remain in my heart and in my thoughts.

Friday, January 15, 2010

It's not alchoholism if it's after 11:30am

Gail and I were having some drinks with a friend from New York.  While we were waiting for him to get there I noticed a couple of girls in medical scrubs having a drink as well.  I thought to myself "wow, I wouldn't want them taking my blood when they go back to work".  Then I had to stop myself.  I kind of felt bad.  Why do you say you felt bad?  I'm glad you asked.  Was it because I was feeling guilty for judging others? No.  Was it because I thought maybe I misread the situation? No.  It was because somewhere in the back of my mind I remembered my "liquid lunches" long since past.  When I was a Medical Assistant some years ago (no not a long time ago thank you), we would go for happy hour at lunch hour.  We would be in our scrubs chit chatting armed with Margaritas and other fruity concoctions.  You would think we would feel bad about our choice of lunch, but you would be wrong.  Not only was the medical staff slurping the frosty drinks, the Dr. was running the tab.  The good Dr. would say one more round and we knew just what that meant.  No Mrs. Ivy we need to push your apt. back one hour, yes I know, I understand you have already waited a month for this appointment, right the insomnia and mood swings are back..uhuh..hmm...mhm..yes suicidal 3pm instead of 2pm.....well yes the flu season does have us overbooked..yes no time to chat...sick patients don't cry...yes..3pm..ok...we'll see you then...right...ok...busy...busy...bye, bye now.  Hey guys make mine a double.  Healing the sick...pfft. 

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