
My Fema (grandmother) who taught me to take pleasure in the little things, the important things in life and who my most cherished childhood memories are with. She will forever remain in my heart and in my thoughts.

Friday, February 11, 2011

"Oh, honey, no!" Moments

3 things that were "Oh, honey, no!"  moments on the way to work today.

1.  Girl walking to high school, well, more like waddling and nearly falling half a dozen times, in 3" stiletto heels.  "Oh, honey, no! Stay out of your mommy's closet and give the grown ups their shoes back."

2.  Lady behind me at the stop light putting on eye liner.  "Oh, honey no!  Not behind me you don't.  Really, it's not going to help what you got going on there anyway."

3.  About 15 people total on each of the 4 corners of two intersections with tall yellow placards letting the rest of us know just how much we are going to hell...there's more, the signs were two sided so you can be told twice as much how much you NEED Jesus...there's more, they forcibly giving out pamphlets to passerbys who had no intention of taking them...just one more, one sign said something about sinners but the word sinners stopped at the end of the placard with the rest of the word ners vertically under the first n.  Really?  They were professionally made too.  "Oh, honeys no!  You know you can pay homeless people $10 to twirl your signs for you (it's a good deed, yes?  Employing the homeless and all), also if I would get a refund on the jacked up sign and oh, by the way why do you have teenagers out there on a school day?  Can you say truancy?"

So, how was your day?

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