This past weekend we were in Monterey hanging out with friends and family. We had plans to go the the Monterey Aquarium, I thought I was going to be disappointed. I had been to the Long Beach Aquarium and was very disappointed. Within the first 5 minutes of the Monterey Aquarium, I realized what an Aquarium should look like. The adults and kids had a blast and met some strange characters (captions may or may not have been approved by the Monterey Aquarium (I'm guessing may not)).
This is Harry, he is not amused!
Harry's Bi-Polar and slightly Skitsophrenic brother.
I will love him, and I will call him SQUISHYYYY!
This is Paul: He is a single black/white male, who loves the water and is looking for a serious relationship.

Shelly; plotting the death of that cheating bastard of a...uh, um needing some alone time.
After our wonderful time at the Aquarium we went to the Sardine Factory. Never been before, but I highly recommend (unless you go and get salmonella or E. Coli, in which case I said nothing)!
The ceiling of the outdoor seating of the Sardine Factory. Lovely, just lovely!
The bathroom of the Sardine Factory. Why? Because it is freakin awesome, that's why!
Tell me why this orange-ish tomato-y butter spread was awesome.
Appitizer heaven. Left: battered artichoke heart; Middle: shrimp; Right: crab cakes in all their yumminess.

Onion crisps topping a steak should be the rule, really, ALWAYS!
This completes our day trip to Monterey; please tip your tour guide.