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SOS? No? Ok, just me then.
26MAR10 10:45am pst - I write this as a testament of the horrors I am enduring of this 26TH day of March. In case no one ever finds my body, tell my kids I love them. I am issuing a plea for help. I am currently being held captive. Death is imminent.
26MAR10 11:45am pst - They have me surrounded. They fill the halls, they are in every room. I try not to make eye contact as I believe they can sense fear. Death is imminent.
26MAR10 12:45pm pst -They watch my every move and have thus far thwarted ever effort I have made to alert authorities. Any attempt to escape will be futile. There is no escape. Death is imminent.
26MAR10 1:15pm pst - It started with one or two and stealthily they have multiplied. I have counted at least eleventybillion of them. Their presence may seem innocent enough to the passerby. Death is imminent.
26MAR10 1:40pm pst - I have asked for parley, and have invoked the Geneva Convention. These actions on my part may be in vain as these captors do not follow a civil code of conduct. Death is imminent.
26MAR10 2:00pm pst - Without concern of safety for myself I have taken a picture of said captives to allow you to see the horrors I face.
I believe this is the leader, suspicions not yet confirmed!
These are the corner watchmen. From what I can gather, they are called Fred!
26MAR10 2:45pm pst - Something is touching me. They mock my pain. Death is imminent.
26MAR10 2:52pm pst - This is my last update as I have
Note to self: Research before listening to the little voices in your head.